
20-07-22 研究。1978年,美国国防情报局开启星门计划 (STAR GATE),研究穿墙术、千里眼(遥距观测)、他心通等特异功能, 直至1997年才结束。 纽约市立大学的G. Schmeidler博士曾在她的实验...

善化的力量/The Power of Kindness

20-06-22 ,  Puyi  turned  into  a  peaceful  and  prosperous  area,  and  the  people  there  were  all  respectful...

A good horse met a good rider: Di Qing was elevated from a military deserter to a great general

19-01-29 his new dynasty as the state of Xi (Western) Xia and embarked on a campaign to conquer all of China....


19-01-22 the past!Levels beyond levels of endless skies in front of meIn all Ten Directions*With Falun...

A Kind Heart is Rewarded for Saving an Abandoned Baby

19-01-17 person may commit all kinds of evils and accumulate bad karma; much like spending hard-earned savings...

Founder of Tai Chi: Zhang Sanfeng

19-01-15 finally settled down in Wudang Mountain.After having visited all the peaks and canyons of Wudang Mountain...

Yang Pu: An Honest, Righteous, and Selfless Government Official

17-01-20 all over them. Yang Pu's brothers were asked to take a trip to the capital, paid for by the...

Shen Yun 2017 Inspires Audience with Art and Message

17-01-16 ’s so powerful.”“I was just thinking tonight being here, I've got to bring all my children and...

Food is for Alleviating Hunger

16-08-21 is all I can eat." Liu smiled at him and said, "You see, it doesn't matter too much...

“Full without Spill”: Accomplished Yet Humble

16-08-21 stopped all dealings with the person from then on. An official came to see Zhang. The official said to him...

Even an Emperor Must Pay for His Misdeeds

16-08-21 maid. Instead, he became all the more enraged and shouted, "She is my nemesis!" He had the...


16-08-18 1、2016纽约免费夏日电影 Free Summer Movies ●《星际旅行II:可汗怒吼》(Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)        时间:8月22日...


16-08-17 recruit talents to serve this kingdom, even from outside the kingdom, and Wen Hou admired them; all the...

A Way to End Karmic Retribution

16-04-09 now on, all the karmic hatred between you and I is dispelled.” He then knelled in front of the statue...

减肥太难 金正恩或通过修图“变瘦”

16-04-05 朝鲜最高头领金正恩大腹便便、体重不断增加,但是朝鲜政府发出的官方照片中的他却变“苗条”了。外媒猜测,很可能是朝鲜当局通过修改图片让金正恩保持较好形象。英国《每日星报》(The Daily Star...

Karmic Retribution is Always Fair

16-01-08 money nor power all his life." With those words, the two divine beings flew up and disappeared...

品味时尚 2016 Scion iM

16-01-08 /45R17四季轮胎,轮圈样式为旋风式,格外威猛。Scion iM的安全设备也颇齐全,5个座位均有3点式安全带,全车装有8个安全气囊,此外更有“星级安全系统〈Star Safety System〉”,包括VSC...


16-01-06 problem! 没问题!53、That's all! 就这样!54、Time is up.时间快到了。55、What's new? 有什么新鲜事吗?56、Count me on 算上我。57...


15-09-13 Effect的流行/摇滚乐。•    9月10日,Four Star Combo的乡村摇滚乐。•    9月17日,Patty Reese 的寻根、灵魂和摇滚节奏。•    9月24日...


15-09-13 ,上面印了一句话“It’s All Relative in West Virginia”,就是讽刺这个的,结果闹的当时的州长出来指责A&F。)WEST VIRGINIA(西佛吉尼亚):同佛吉尼亚...


15-09-13 和比较。他说:“如果我只给出三个字的建议,我会说‘(tell the truth)讲真话’。如果加三个字,我会说,‘(all the time)永远这样’。”兰迪说,“这是所有你能拥有的,而且有一天,也许你发现...


15-09-10 。(图片来源:谷歌地图)外星人发出警告信息奥拉姆描述了1970年和“英俊男外星人”的接触经历。这个外星成员将一个UFO降落在沃明斯特的星山(Star Hill)。他说:“有一次,我被告知要在一个具体时间到星...

国产手机预装间谍软件 小米华为都有份(图)

15-09-08 facebook和Google等流行的手机应用程序中,由于驻留在手机的固件(firmware)中,在没有解除锁的情况下无法删除。该公司在去年披露了Star N9500智能手机监视用户的功能,从而没有任何限制地秘密...

这英语让人一听 就感觉很地道 你想学吗!

15-09-08 topic:Before we end, let me briefly recap what we have discussed here today.Thank you all very much for...


15-09-07 Drive)。那什么是全轮驱动(All Wheel Drive)呢?其实汽车专家们对此也没有统一的说法。一般看法,全轮驱动是高级的四轮驱动,允许前轮和后轮转速不同,降低了老式四轮驱动的内耗。据说,日本的...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 tried to avoid high positions at all times. Tang Taizong wanted Changsun Wuji to continue serving as the...


15-02-16 珠宝,用生硬的英文说:Take all!(全要了。)  所有好莱坞大街上的精品店,从老板到店员,都已经适应了中国人的吵闹,不礼貌和集体主义精神,一旦一个买,所有人都买,而且要一模一样的。  中国的消费者...

[路考知识] 考驾照必看:路考前的练习重点

15-02-15 都能看清的地方,再停一次。STOP 有两种,上面讲的其实是针对普通的STOP ,还有一种STOP ,叫 ALL WAY STOP。ALL WAY STOP通常情况下停一次就好了,但有时候万一你的视线...

绿卡基础知识:移民局online Status解释

15-02-15 have rejected your case and returned it to you with all supporting materials. Please follow the...


15-02-13 all dysfunctional。(每个家庭都有自己的不正常)在视野狭隘的时候,我们担心自己的家庭和别人的不一样,并因此难为情。“跟人一样”是不少家长鼓励、鞭策自己和孩子的一个说法。问题是没有一个家庭...

周杰伦婚宴内场曝光花费百万 昆凌再披婚纱走红毯

15-02-10 》的歌曲,诗班则献上《All Happy Day》、《Because of you》2首福音歌曲,祝福新人白头偕老。接着还安排了一段15分钟的小提琴独奏。炒热气氛的重头戏则在魔术师身上,特别为新人安排...

母仪天下 马明德(下)

15-02-09 following praises for her, "As a young girl, before she was married, she was an example to all young...

Air Jordan XX9 “All Star” 全明星近赏

15-02-09 Jordan Brand 旗下的 2015 年款 All Star 全明星鞋款采用了清淡简约的素雅风格打造,Air Jordan XX9 “All Star” 采用了白色鞋身点缀银色细节,将于...

Nike Kyrie 1 "All Star" 全明星近赏

15-02-09 带来 Nike Kyrie 1 "All Star" 全明星配色更多实物图片。设计灵感来源于纽约市政厅地铁站,以灰色鞋身点缀黑色细节,本次全明星鞋款都采用的渐变色元素则在大底上...


15-02-07 (用),遭到refuse(拒绝)。假装mute(哑巴),真是cute(聪明)。开着car(车),向着star(星星),路途far(遥远)。想变smart(睿智),必须start(开始),学习art(艺术)。一个driver...

加拿大13岁女童歌声如天籁 成网络明星(图)

15-02-04 并没有影响她的人生。  去年夏天,Tevlin演唱了一首John Legend的歌曲《All of Me》。1月20日,她把这段视频上传到YouTube上,目前已经点击率已经超过300万。...


15-02-03 一名昵称为星星(Star)的26岁女子说,她将与80岁的杀害多人的罪犯查尔斯・曼森(Charles Manson)结婚。但她看来将不得不再等一段时间才能结婚。阿夫顿・伊莱恩・伯顿(Afton...

母仪天下 马明德(上)

15-01-31 , "Royal Concubine Ma is the most virtuous among all your wives. She should be your choice." So...


15-01-29 管制住,不让其产生负面影响。这是孩子童年时代所需培育的修养。6、“We are all dysfunctional.”(每个家庭都有自己的不正常。)在视野狭隘的时候,我们担心自己的家庭和别人的不一样...


15-01-25 断气了,还戴个面具骑在战马上,牛气冲天的对阿拉伯王萨拉丁说“withdraw,or we all die here”。这气势太帅了!这样特别能感召手下的将士,国王都拼命了,我们做臣子的岂有贪生怕死之理...